Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI / MRT) and Biogenic Metal Compounds in Human Brain
by Dipl. Biol. Peter Ulrich Zanger
(CID Investigation, Private Cientific Investigation, Weilmuenster / Germany)
22nd March 2010
The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI / MRT) is an medical examination technique, visualizing human body interiour structures similar as in radiology.
MRI / MRT distinguishes from traditional imaging with ionizing radiation used in radiography or computed tomography (CT) by the implementation of an powerful magnetic field that allows an more detailled and contrasted image creation.
Meanwhile the possibilities to demonstrate and observe human organs and internal body structures `in vivo` have to be seen as a great advance in medical technology, the better visualizing effect creates so multiple and diverse new diagnosis and examination possibilities that the question, which repercussions might have the exposure of whole human body including head and brain to an strong magnetic field remains completely neglected and uninvestigated during the now 37 years since the development of this technique by the 2003 Nobel Price Winners Paul C. Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield in 1973.
The sensibility to magnetism of living beings in nature is largely known and in some animal species extensely investigated. Most well known in this scientific field is the so called `compas orientation` of migrating birds. The knowledge about specialized nerve system cells which are able for the perception of very low levelled magnetic fields as they occur naturally in the planet earth magnetic field called `magnetic receptors`and used for example by fish, birds and insects to stabilize and control their body position without contact to a fixed ground surface as well as for large distance orientation during migrations most probably has stimulated the scientists interest to discover similar structures in human beings, what might have been one of the reasons, why human body magnetic susceptibility was begun to examinate by development of MRI / MRT techniques during the last 3 decades.
In 1992 a scientist investigation group from California Institute of Technology in Pasadena (CIT) composed by Joseph L. Kirschvink, Atsuko Kobayashi and Barbara Woodford discovered in human brain tissues cristalized metal compounds measuring from 10 – 70 nanometers. The cristals were classified as Magnetite (Fe3O4). Magnetite cristals found in head structures of Columba sp. (migrating pigeons) are there related with magnetism receptor cells of bird nervous system. The investigation group claimed similar function for the human brain magnetite structures, what means that the nerve cells provide to humans a sensibility for earth magnetic field and are important for equilibrium sense and environmental orientation as well as probably for intuitive communication or reception for other electric or electromagnetic signals.
Even if Kirschvink et al. recognized already in their article from 1992, that `under maximum magnetostatic potential` as implemented during MRI examinations `the magnetic torque from external alternating fields will induce mechanical oscillations in the Fe3O4 particles`, what includes the possibility of a theoretically generated damage in human brain tissue during exposition to the MRI / MRT magnetic field, the attention of his investigation group didn`t concentrate in the persecution of this fact during the following years as follows from the titles of the published scientific articles between 1992 and 2006.
Also development of MRI / MRT apparatus by electronic health system providers such as Siemens, Phillips, Hitachi, Toshiba, GE, Bruker and others generated even stronger magnetic field generating machines that generate electrostatic magnetic fields until 12 Tesla. Most popular used MRT machines in Germany work actually with a magnetic field strength of 1,5 and 3 Tesla. In comparation the natural magnetic field is measured in micro-Tesla, a thousands part of 1 Tesla.
Meanwhile latest publications of german universitary investigation groups communicate, that implementation of higher magnetic fields (3 instead 1,5 Tesla) provides a better visibility of brain tissue damage in so called `Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients`. An investigation group of Amsterdam Alsheimer Center and Bonn University Radiological Clinic composed by Mike Wattjes and Birgit Simon consider that the MS patients in future might be better detected due to the fact, that the increase of MRI / MRT magnetic field intensity from 1,5 to 3 Tesla provides also an `clearly higher human brain tissue damage`. The Internet article from 9th February 2010 doesn`t mention how the german investigators can guarantee, that the higher brain tissue damage isn`t created itself by the implementation of an 100 percent higher magnetic field intensity during the MRI / MRT examination.
An extensive investigation proyect initiated by german ministry of health now will start to clear up the possible interactions between magnetic fields during clinical MRI / MRT examinations and natural biogenic metal compounds in human brain as described by Kirschvink in 1992. Meanwhile a preliminar stop of the application of MRI / MRT methods is in discussion.
Weilmuenster, 22nd March 2010
Wonderful Post. That was an excellent explanation about the various medical equipments like Mri scans, Computed Tomography, radiography and CR system, etc